

      [zēng dà]


































      As the spanincreases, suspension bridge becomesmore susceptive to the windaction,particularlyunderconstruction.




      "Feepercentages have failed to adjust to the increasingabsolutesizeofprivateequityfunds,"hesaid.




      This means thatifyoushootahandsizegroupto the thoracic cavity, it willgrowinarealgunfight to at leasttwice as large agroup.




      After sunset the air turbulencedecrease the winddifferencebetweendifferent height also goes down,and keep steady.




      Underultrasound, the glasstransitiontemperatureofPLAfiber and a crystals has no change. And crystallinity of this fiber rises.




      Liquidvelocityincreasedwithdraft-tube height, while gashold up in the riserdecreased with it.




      Asitgrowsoutward,it runs out ofroom and is forced todoublebackinto a horseshoeshape.




      The difference between the chief executive's pay and that of otherexecutives has grown.




      "I'm notrealhopeful.Theeconomyisstillweakandunemploymentseems to be goinghigher,"said Larsen.




      An enlarged part of ashaft to which another shaft is coupledor to which awheelorgear is keyed.

