

      [zēng zhǎng]





      increase; rise; grow; build-up; run; charging



      全部,increase,grow,rise,build-up,growth,go up,accrue



      Hetoldme that with the backgroundof a growingworldpopulation,farmerscould be doingmoretocutdownonwaste.




      Thebanksaid the dealshouldresultin a modestincrease in itscorecapitallevels, a sentiment echoed by analysts andinvestors.




      Gorbachev also recognized that the Sovieteconomyneededfundamentalreforms,asit had notpostedpositivegrowthinnearly a decade.




      Contrary to what youoften hear, the largedeficit the federalgovernmentis running right now isn't the result of runawayspendinggrowth.




      But grant that this istrue.Then the bestpolicy is to slow the long-termgrowthinspending on age-relatedprogrammes.




      Firmstrackingthe money companieswithholdfortax purposes warnthatjobgrowthseems to havestopped.




      The news is stillbitter, though,because we have yet to see the gains of economic growthtranslated into the still-decrepit labourmarket.




      Yes.Why do youthink the rise in pocket money is oftenhigher thaninflation?




      Butbad loans canbe written offand a few years of even mid-single digit GDPgrowthwillabsorbmost of the investmentexcess.




      Unfortunately,on the eve of the chargingzone'sextensionwestward,doubtsabout how much it hasachievedaregrowing.

