
      [shēng] [sheng]






      sound; voice






      initialconsonant (ofaChinesesyllable)





      makeasound; declare; announce



      全部,sound,voice,tone,reputation,declare,make a sound,announce,Noise,Voices,sounds



      It was asoundwhich did notmake _her_ cheerful; shewondered that Edmundshouldforgether, and felta pang.




      "Thanks to the GreatLeader,"oneyoung manreplied,"we are allowed to watchEnglishandAmericanfilms, like The SoundofMusic. "




      All that wehearis the rustleof her skirtsand the words: 'You shall havedrybread and nosugar in your tea! '




      Ihateto be near the sea, and to hearitroaring and raginglikeawild beastin its den.




      Shegazedsilently, and seemed to be borne upward likea floating sea-birdon the long heaves and swells ofsound.




      The hair on his neck was fizzling,butheknewhemightneedsomethingextra to help.




      ''Ibegan to leave my body;Ibegan to inhabit theair and silence.




      Far commoner werethe muting masks that had nomouthopeningsand were used forpunishment when a girl had too many complaints.




      One day, there was a rap on her door.With her baby in her arms,she opened it.




      Hewaves his handsabout his headandmakesthesoundofpolice cars again.

