

  •       qua.set; series; suit; suite
  •       adj.outer; over
  •       网络sets; case; jacket






      over; outer



      set; suit; suite; series



      cover; case; sheath


      harness; traces


      harness; hitchup


      trick; trap; noose


      overlap; interlink


      knot; loop


      convention; formula


      〈方〉cottonpaddingorwadding; batting


      modelafter [on]; copy






      〈方〉sewapadding [wadding] intoajacketoraquilt


      trickintotalking; coaxasecretoutofsb.; pumpout


      bringcloseto; trytowin


      turnorcutthread (ofascrew)






      Apersonfamiliar with the matter said Mr. Apotheker wouldleave H-P with an exitpackageworth$10million to $12 million.




      Myprimaryjobistopublishall of the legalopinions that the Court hands down in aset of law books called the United States Reports.




      The combinationof the visualinstrumentand WMI remotelyinstrumentcontrol makes it awholedistributedinstrumenttestsystem.




      Withaset of buttonsandaloudbell,thedevice, soldbyNational Cash Register (NCR), was little more thanasimpleaddingmachine.




      Likeotherlanguages,Englishhasasystem of sounds,stress, andintonation that givesitarhythmandmelody all its own.




      "The sunwill come up in the West before Victor Triumph tells a lie!"Isaid.I was seated, pulling on my high-heeled boots.




      Using a generalsetof Chinese-made of copper,mustbegoodin the case of lubricationjob.




      Hethought of the surging great riverflowingtowards the frontier. Huh, the language people used there was of acompletelydifferent order.




      Therefore,theestablishment of asoundperformanceappraisalsystemandperformanceculture, seems to beimperative.




      InLondon,luxury complexes withtinyflats,gymsandeasyaccess to urbanpleasuresarespringing up foryoungand driven professionals.

