

      [nǚ ér]





      daughter; girl



      全部,daughter,girl,Daughters,baby daughterA daughter



      Do not prostitutethydaughter,tocauseher to be awhore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become fullofwickedness.




      After the yearsoffearingforherownlife and the safety of hertwodaughtersinUkraine, her freedom brought different concerns.




      Thisconfrontationshowsclearly that hatredforherdaughteroutweighedsuspicionofherhusband.




      The light mindedwoman had been discovering good matches forherdaughteralmostfromtheyearofherbirth.




      Henoticed his toddler come up to up and try to unpinch the photo to makeitlarger,like you do onan iPad.




      First shegave her a slice of freshbrownbread and butter,but the childsaidthatshe did not want it like that.




      Hesaidhe lay awakenight after night afterward, fixated on thenavytracksuit his daughterhadcoveted.




      Upon looking at it carefully, to my disappointment,Irealized it wasthenext doorneighbor's10-year-old daughter's rabbit.




      I will try to be homeaftercompletion of contractand work together with you to improvedaughter'sstudyandroutinehabit.




      Soifaspabirthdaypartywouldmake your six-year-old happy(and get her to leaveyou alone),really,whatisthe big deal?

