
      [hǎo] [hào]






      like; love; befondof




      〈方〉can; should








      good; fine; nice


      friendly; kind


      beingoodhealth; getwell


      beeasy (todo); beconvenient



      soasto; sothat



      全部,good,nice,fine,kind,love,like,be fond of,be liable to,a surname,so as toso that,OK,well,all right



      Zhang:No problem! Pleasetake the bankstatementtome.Mmm. .....Ms Liu, this bank statement isthe same with the computer.




      It'stookind of you to havetoldmethat.




      Where's Eric?I haven't seenhim for quitea few days.




      Soif the averageenergyisroughly you know,0 the ten epsilon zero, you sayokay, how muchmightitvary?




      Oddsseem tomeprettygoodthatyoucouldalsoget all the benefits outofa really tightstamp-collectingclub.




      Afterabrief, significantpause, "Buthe talks asgoodEnglish as you or me, "saidhe.



      The highereach of thesefactorsratewithyou,plus the combination of them all, the better yourpotential for return.




      Weslept as ifwehadnot had a sound sleepin (= for) a longtime.




      Hewasnotsurprisedbecause he recognized Yechen asa seeker and avid learner and was sure this was agoodpathforhim to travel.




      Yes,adrivercandelay its returnfromasuspendorresumerequestuntil the device is ready to handlerequests.

