







      【城】Oakland, acityinCalifornia, theUnitedState






      APL is one of onlyahandful of carrierscurrently cold-ironing in California, and the only one in Oakland.




      Still in fine fettle at the ageof87, Ruth Young,aretiredOaklandschoolnurse, jumped at the chance, she said, to "spitfor the cause. "




      Buttodaywasquite different. I'm goingback to Aucklandtodayand I'vegot to be outof the bed by seven.




      So I interviewed herinOakland, in asushirestaurant. AndIsaid, "So, couldyoudo it right here?"




      ArrivedinOakland, with his snugpay-day in his pocket,he took up his oldroom at Bernard Higginbotham's and set to work.




      TheOaklandnative gets toeat home-cooked meals,sleepin his ownbedandhang out with high-school buddies.




      Billy Beane andhis staff inOakland weren't thefirsttousethese methods,butthey were extremelyeffective at it.




      Hebegan his careeras a headfootballcoach in nineteensixty-nine, when hewas selected toleadtheOaklandRaiders.




      I'llbe stopping at the Metropole down inOakland.He'll know agoodmilk- ranchwhen he sees one.




      Shetoldme that the OaklandPolice Department would be following up onmycaseimmediately.

