

      [rú shí]





      strictlyaccordingtothefacts; asthingsreallyare; accurately; truthfully



      全部,truthfully,accurately,as things really are,Truthfully,nakedness



      Thedoctortoldhim the truth of his physicalcondition.




      The head of Customs shall report to his superior Customs about his work,present the situations on carrying out his dutiesaccurately.




      First it wasdiscovered that he had not been truthfulaboutwherehegotthehumaneggs for the research.




      Charmin a man,Isuppose,is his ability to capture the complicity of a womanby a single-minded acknowledgment of her uniqueness.




      My onlygoalwiththiscolumnwas to honestlyrelatemyownexperiencesandattempt to putthem into some type ofcontext.




      Heputthesepeople down on paper asthey are, and he made them talk and think in the languagethey customarily used forthese purposes.




      Equally,ifIthought there had been a falling off in the standardof his columns,Iwould do the same for him.




      It is amatter of principle with hertoanswerherchildren'squestions honestly.




      Reality: The consularofficer will want to hearyourownanswersand an honestdescriptionofyour personal circumstances.




      Thequestionnaireis anonymous.pleasefill out the blank with youractual situation.Thankyou for your supportandparticipation!

