

      [xìng míng]





      surnameandpersonalname; fullname



      全部,surname and personal name,Name,Your NameE-mail



      But during the trialstage, the witness has norightto have his or her name being kept insecret.




      "Theshock of it. It would have been instantly cold,"said the man,whodeclined to be identified.




      "Ibelieve there are changes to the policycoming,"said the headofChinaoperations of one foreigncarmaker, who askednot to benamed.




      It's justasmall,whiteenvelopestuckamong the branches of our Christmastree.Noname,noidentification, no inscription.




      Ihadan individual call to tellmethattheirchild's name was in[anold]childabuseindictment.




      One woman in Maiduguri, who did notwant to give her name,saidthesecurityconcerns won't keepthem from observing Easter.




      Ithasahomepageandathree-pagewizard that you can use toenter the nameandaddressofaperson.




      Sheputapieceofpaperwithhernameandaddress on it into a bottle.




      Aneighbour who did not want to benamedsaidthedeadgirl had been a friendlychild.




      Insteadofjust trying toremember the nameIassociate the namewith a picturethatIcreatein my mind.

