
      [yí] [yi]






      one'smother'ssister; aunt


      one'swife'ssister; sister-in-law



      全部,aunt,one's mother's sister,sister-in-lawaunts,Aunts and Uncles



      'Fortunately,'said my aunt, 'youandI, madam, aretoooldandplainfor anyone to say that about us. '




      Myaunt is tryingto get used to being an empty nester after her sonmoved to a collegedorm.




      Lifeisrough and bumpydesolate a,but it out of their ownthatbeauty,aunt, was stillhappy.




      "MrDick,youandIwilladoptthisboytogether,"said my aunt, her sternexpression softening into a smile.




      Ihave to askyouabout your family. Dick Cheney,youand he are eighth cousins?-Yeah. How about that?




      Thethought of her brought back her image as she kneltinfront of Mother, her facepale and tearstained, her month-old infantin her arms.




      About thattime,myauntcalledtosaythatshe had found out about aretirementaccountmymother had begun beforeherdeath.




      Theniraced down towntothenewspaperand called Aunt Batty .Aunt Batty had been telephoning all herold friends all day.




      A few daysago, the young inChengduauntcalledtoinformusofthem being going to have returnedfromChengdu the Spring Festival for us.




      All myauntsandunclestalked it over as if they werechoosingaprepschoolforme.

