






      many; much; more


      morethanthecorrectorrequirednumber; toomany


      excesive; toomuch



      more; over; odd









      muchmore; farmore



      全部,much,many,more,over,odd,much more,far more,a surname,exceed a number,multi,,poly



      How much will it be if I staytwomorehours?




      He had afewdrinks,thenimmediatelyvomit again,more than aweeklaterhe doesn't talk to me.




      How much does itgo in thezdirection?




      There is nothing like an inquisitive childtomakeyourealize just howcomplicatedthe topic ofmoney is.




      Larry Brown:Theyhelpedusgethere.I don't thinkI've ever seenateam get any moresupport than you know,we received.




      He is said to be looking forward to making more familyfilms. Perhaps,buthe still looksalittleout of place in the magickingdom.




      A:WhenIstarted in sales,Ididntrealize how muchI'dmissitif I left.




      Shchednov isone of a growingnumber of artistsinRussia who have beenaccused of breachingcensorshipconventionsandinsultingauthority.




      Butwhateverthelength,herarelyneededanything he did nothave with him.




      ThebodyofadeadMuslimshouldbe given Kafan withthree pieces of cloth:aloin cloth,a shirt or tunic, and a full cover.

