












      shecried, and with that even as hetook her hand and kissed it,hefell into sleep.




      Jackie Kennedyonce pummelled his chestwith her fists, crying at him to "stop the slaughter".




      Gordon Gekko, who famously said "greedisgood,"is just gettingoutofjail with a gigantic cell phone and nooneto meet him.




      Hewantstopropose to her; to declare his love and shout his feelings to the heavens.




      It was the urge to amuse that recently prompted Cameron to riffon an oldTVad and shout"Calmdown,dear,"atafemaleLabourMP.




      Nobody shouted atme for parking my bike,butnobodypaidme for going to the dentist either.




      Islappedthejaroutofhishand, got right up in hisface, and screamed at the top of my lungs, "Noooooooo!"




      Herefused to pick up the ball,andwent to the air and Shouting:"Iis the mostseverehandblow."




      The moment hereached the office,he shouted atme.




      He exclaimed, and saidtohisdaughter:"Isupposeyou're very sadnot to havemarriedaproperman? "

