






      extreme; most


      highest; greatest; remotest


      moreormostsenior; great-grand





      extremely; exceedingly; very








      全部,too,very,extremely,exceedingly,extrememost,highest,greatest,a surname,much too,over,so



      It'shard to wait around for somethingyou know won't happen,but it's evenharder to stopwaitingwhenyou know it's everythingyouwant.




      Ifawoman is denied treatmenton the grounds that she couldnotpossiblybenefit, the basisof that denial had betterberock-solid.




      "If all thisstimulushasnoeffecton the economy, that would be ararity indeed,"says Paulsen.




      Hillary Clinton hadspenttoolongin Bill's shadowandsacrificedtoomuchto emerge as a politicianpreparedtopush the style envelope.




      English people do notlike to be tooclose to one another.




      Buttoooften,it's easy to get caught up inrelying on beingtotallypsyched about something before you do it.




      It was great! As youknow.Sally's maininterestismusic, and shewantedtosee some Beijing Opera?




      Clyde began to think of him as perhaps alittletoolustyfor his newlifehere,maybe.




      Finally, the system could notsupport the numberofthreadsrunning in the loggingservice as a result of the rate of messagearrival.




      Sometimes, as a result of abuse, a woman's self-esteemissodamagedthat she lacks the confidence to maintain independencefromher abuser.

