

      [ān quán]





      safe; secure



      safety; security






      Incaseslikethis,businesslogicneeds to bekept behind asecureset of firewalls(oftencalled a DMZ).




      However,slowtrafficsystem has notbeenestablished, the trafficsafetyofvulnerablegroupsalso did notreceivesufficientattention.




      Take off? As the aircraftwasready to take off,all the passengersfastened their seatbelts.




      'Securityandprosperityof our twogreatnationsdepends on the securityandprosperity of the Asia-Pacific region, ' hesaid.




      The easytooperatesecurity, incombustible, does notvolatilize, does not have the stimulation to the human body.




      ButCongressionalDemocratshaveargued that this is far from enoughtohelpsmallbusinessesride out a tumultuous economy.




      Hesaid AGRA was not ruling out GMOs andif and when they were introduced it would be with all the appropriate"safeguards."




      "If political and military leaders of western Europe do not speak out we will delude our peopleintoafalse sense of security,"he said.




      Today,somesecurityresearchersgetfrustrated trying tofind the right contact atlarge software vendors to work to get the bug fixed.




      The dietused with acatharticconsists of clearliquidsor is designed to leave a minimalcolonicfecalresidue with laxatives.

