

      [wán měi]





      perfect; consummate; flawless






      Duringspringandsummer, the waterslowlyevaporates while winds smooth the surfaceintoavast,nearlyperfectflatplain.




      Well,except for the fact that heisaperfectionist,andyouknow, sometimes, it ishard to liveunder the same roof with suchaguy.




      It isoneof the mostbeautifulcompensation of this life that no man can sincerelytry to help another withouthelpinghimself.




      For me,world cupwas just a greatshow, except that Ihadto stay in Germay time zone to watch.




      No, of coursenot.Ijust don't wantyouto have to rack your brain to think of the perfectgift, that's all.




      Sheboughttheperfectgift for her boyfriend. It was as thoughshe could readhismind.




      Yourliveswillbetransformed into what seems to beadreamworld, yet foryouitwill be perfectlyreal.




      The company has always been people-oriented,excellence,professionalskills, perfect after-sales service, won the trustof our customers.




      While the existence of "positive perfectionists" isstilldebated, there's no doubt the trait can be quite counterproductiveinsomecases.




      He had the blaster aimedandready, but heknew he would get only one shot,andit had to beagood one.

