

      [shòu sī]












      i actually useditinasushi bar that i completed around the same time down inmiami,but used adifferent colorway.




      Deliveryishardlylimitedtopizza at this point;everythingfromsushi to barbecue seems availableasa to-go order.




      Sushimadewithseaweed tends to be a little higherinsodium,as is thesoy sauce that each piece is dipped in.




      Well, his wifeisJapanese.Hesaidshemakes really goodsushi.




      So I interviewed herinOakland, in asushirestaurant. AndIsaid, "So, couldyoudo it right here?"




      Onefinalreason to skipchopsticksisthat the rice block in the bestsushiisoftenmoldedquiteloosely.




      Many of the bestsushi-ya have nomenus; the mealiscloser to a degustation parade of what'sbeston the day -- sositback and enjoy.




      Wedo have to wonder how muchthecompanywould charge usfor our own personalsushichef, though.Hit the jump for the videos.




      It's notpolite to leaveafreshly presented piece of sushi for toolonginfront of you,astemperature,texture and moistureallchange.




      So by the timeyougraduate college,youthink you'veseen it allwhen it comes to rolls. Well think again.

