






      character; word


      scripts; writings


      wording; diction




      formofawrittenorprintedcharacter; styleofhandwriting; printingtype


      receipt; writtenpledge


      astyle [name] takenattheageoftwenty, bywhichamanissometimescalled





      (ofagirl) bebetrothed (inancienttimes)



      全部,word,character,scripts,diction, be betrothed ,words,keyword,characters



      and astheold manslowlypronouncedthosewords,anairof profound resignation spread itself over hiscareworncountenance.




      I'vehadapatient whose motherwhisperedtheletters we-ig-ht to me,withherhand over hermouth so the child couldn't see.




      Keywordbehaveslike an objectvariablereferring to the baseclassof the currentinstance of a class.




      The wordcolor of inception is stillvery shallow to talk,becomemoreafterwardsdeep more,show a veryclear and blackword.




      Hotisasimple,easilyunderstoodword. So are most of the expressions made with the wordhot.Butnotalways,asweshallsee.




      If it's made by civilian, it's not easy to understand the wordandserial number on it.




      Micro like word, a phrase, from bigsection, an essay, until the wholebook, nowherenotfilledwithhimto niu niu love.




      Buta pairofChinesecharacters with strokesorcharactercomponentsopposite are called opposite form characters.




      The hyphenis all that islefttoshow that it is aword made up of more than one word.




      Deep your lips on the bad guys.Preciouslittlegood, Iloveyou. To seethispictureof the word?

