

      [cún kuǎn]






      deposit, (bank) savings








      全部,deposit, savings,deposit,fund,Depositscredit



      Hewentupto the teller'swindow and asked to withdraw thousands of dollars of hissavings, which the tellerhanded over in $100bills.




      LiquidityRisk - AstheDeposit is nottransferable, you may notwithdraw the Depositprior to its maturitywithout the consentof the Bank.




      With nosavings from his monthly take-home pay of as little as $700,he said,hefaced certain homelessness.




      But neither stepwilldomuchtoconstrain banks swimming in depositsandlending to aneconomy growing, in nominal terms, by 15% a year.




      It isnot onlyamatterofhowmuchisprotected, of course, but also of howquickly and easily the savers would get it back.




      A few moreminutesofher patter andhewouldhave given all his bankaccountsaway.




      It cansiphoninflationarycash out of the system by requiring the commercial banks to lodge depositsat the Bank - quantitativetightening.




      Taylor: What ifIneedthemoneyfor an emergencybefore the certificate matures?CanIget it out,then?




      There was no effect on the activityformethanolsynthesisandamajorreductionin the activityfor the watergasshiftreaction.




      Abank has theright to pay itself back out of your nextdepositfor any feesoroverdraftloansthat you owe.

