

      [xué xiào]







      college; university; educationalinstitution






      The scrutiny is oftenfocusedon a complexpoliticalandlegalstrugglebetweenschooladministrators, educationofficialsandcityleaders.




      How muchdoyouknowabouttheuniversity?




      The onlytimeUKviewers were able to see a programme which was principallyabout Syria was the BBC4 series Syrian School.




      Jimmy,lookinglikeastudentwho had just come homefromcollege,walkedoutof the station and wenttoward the hotel.




      Butanewspaper in Floridanowreportsthatschoolsystems across thestate are rejecting the program for asecondyear.




      Wewalkedto it in the coolof the morningby the forestpaths, and backin the dusk at the end of the day.




      Therewerea lot of studentsfrom different parts of EnglandandIseem to remember almost all of themsaying"cheers" .




      No matter how muchparentspay,onlyhalfofallchildrencanattendschools in the tophalf.




      One waytopromoteintegrationis to let the childrenofimmigrantsattend Singapore schools.




      So you see there never was abadJames in theSunday-schoolbooks that hadsuchastreakofluckas this sinfulJim with the charmedlife.

