

      [zěn me yàng]








      全部,how about,what about,Well,How is it



      However,Icarefullywatched his behaviorin his mother's funeral and Iwondered that he factually is so-so.




      Youknowhowrights to resourceextractionare being sold at themoment, how they'vebeensold over the last40years?




      I'vewritten the composition.I'm notsatisfied with it.Youcanreaditandtell me what youthinkof it.








      One does not, in anycase, have to be an opponentofenlargement to feeluneasy about thecountriesnowwaiting in line.




      What was that phraseyoujustused,William?Yousaid your holiday was quite. .. something?




      Ihopeshecanunderstand that no matter what,atleastI'm still on her side,Ihope that she don't feel sadanymore!




      I do really try hard, but Ithinka lot of it trying to be really creative,since I do haveanartisticside.




      "And," said the child: "how am Igoingto be able to understandwhenpeopletalk to me,ifI don't know the language that mentalk? "




      B: We'll revise the contract this evening, and have itready to be signedtomorrowmorning at ten. How's that?

