






      angry; furious


      vigorous; raging; violent



      anger; rage; fury



      全部,anger,fury,rage,angry,raging,furiousvigorous,IKARI WARRIORS,Ikari,wrath



      Iwill enslave youto your enemiesin a landyou do notknow,for you have kindledmyanger, and it will burnforever.




      "Whatever,Bella."Sheglaredout the windshieldinsteadoflooking at me.Sheseemed to begrowingangrierrather than getting over it.




      AndIheardaloudvoiceoutofthetemple,sayingto the sevenangels,Go and pour out the sevenbowls of the fury of God into the earth.




      Isubmit to you thiswasnota hot-blooded crimeofpassion! That couldat least be understood,if not condoned.




      Motherraised hand suddenly and pushed her over, flew into arage: "Get out!You olds and smalls,nogood at all!"




      Iwillenslaveyouto your enemiesin a landyou do notknow,formyangerwill kindle a fire that willburn against you.




      Physiciansdeclare that just asfear,irritabilityandhatedistortthe features, they likewise distort the heart, stomachandliver.




      "When a manbecomesgrumpyorirritable, it'seasy to blameworkorsimplythe effects of aging,"saysPetty.




      Icouldunderstandwhyhe would be angry.ButI didn't thinkhe had tomakea scene about it. It was embarrassing.




      He fell back into the bottom of the boat, his swolleneyeswild with angerand astonishment, his gunfallingbesidehim.

