

      [suǒ yǐ]






      so; therefore; asaresult





      全部,so,therefore,as a result,consequentlyhence,so that



      Sowhen you measurethoseteeth, it wasclear that shestarted out to be agirl with verysmallcanineteeth.




      Soletmegothroughwhatyougain when youlook at theworldthisway,besides,youknow,entertaininginsightsabouthumandesire.




      ThegreatFrenchleaderNapoleon was shorterthaneverybodyaroundhim,soyour have to callhim a littleshrimp.




      He'scomehere on the backof a fantastictournamentat the Copa America,so his confidenceishigh,and he's gotLuis to helphimsettle.




      So it wasnolongernecessarytochange the water in atank for fish to live there.Thisled to the buildingof the first public aquariums.




      It is not the firsttime for her to steal my things, butthistime it is too much.I cannot doanything.




      Thereforethisbookonly then maycall it adecisioncompletehumandestiny wonderful book!




      So, 1st National Ace Pigeon BDS is for the smallsubscriber base of that magazinenotinclusive of anynationalcompetition.




      Soit'sgoingto be veryimportant. .. to look past whateverthenext figures are to gaugetheunderlying trends.




      Sohe got up, took thechildand his motherduring the nightand left for Egypt, where hestayeduntil the deathofHerod.

