






      throw; toss; cast


      throwaway; castaside






      全部,throw,cast,toss,throw away,a surname,threw,pitch,heave



      Now Iknow what's it's like to beat the bottom of a well.Ionlyhopenoonestarts pitching stonesdown at me.




      Buthenever threw a good bananapeel,arethrown on the floor,so there have been a lotofinterestingthings.




      Shedecidedlater it wasbasesurvivalinstinct that causedher to fling the seeds at the moistsoilin the potato patch.




      Herhusband's response?He took off his tie,threwit on theground and shouted,'Justforget the whole thing!We won't go at all! '




      M. Gillenormand trembled as he took theletter,read it,tore it infourpieces, and threw it into the waste-basket.




      afriendandI were throwingrocksonto the roof of the old lady'shousefromahiddenplaceinherbackyard.




      No wonder that thebankpouredcold wateronacquisitionrumours; having raised that capital,itwouldbemadto start chucking it away.




      HehadmorebrainsandmusclesthanI thought becausehe had the abilitytounderstandandthrowme across the room.




      But one of the Britishagents,awoman,threw the guarddogsoff the scentby feeding thempotatochips.




      Ayearlater,hewascaughtoncameraurinating in a beerglass, which hethendropped on the floor.

