






      lookfor; trytofind; discover; seek


      askfor; wanttosee; lookinto; callon; approach





      全部,seek,discover,approach,look for,find,search,ask for



      Iwantedtotellyou, and Isnatchedaminute when thingshad slackened up a bit.




      Seek out apopulardogpark,makeconversation with those who stop to talkon your daily neighborhood jaunts,ormake pet play dates.




      TheapartmenthunterandItalked,wehadcoffee,andayearlater, wegotmarried.




      Hethought about going tosomebrewery, which, as he knew, frequently controlled saloons which theyleased, and get them tohelphim.




      Like right now, if you don't come to ask me for help ,I won't knowyouareinabadmoodjust judge from your appearance.




      Be honoured to helpyouvery much. What you have to need to be able to look for me to serve asinterpreter at anytime.




      Ifitwasto mass-produce documents,why have noothers been found?




      A: Looking for her right now actually,whoknows,youmightbeher? Don't laugh, Ijustgot into town.




      Just as thewaiter began to liftaway the littlelamb, the knifewasfoundlyingon the ground underneath him.




      Heremembered the fountainat the bottomof the hillwherehewentwith his mothertofetchwater,holding on tohertrousers.

