

      [chéng wéi]





      become; turninto; provetobe



      全部,become,turn into,prove to be,became,getto become



      Neutralterritory will never beenterednor passed over by planes,norshot at;it will not be the objectof warlike activities of any kind.




      Make It aWinningSituationforYouandYourBoss.




      Vancouverseems to have becomeitsnewcentre,thanks to its importance as a hub for the productionandexportofmarijuana.




      The grouphad been forced toregisterasacompanybecause it hadnot been given approval to register as an NGO.




      It would takeyears for the SDR tobewidelyaccepted as ameans of exchangeandastore of value.




      Theboybecame a vicious,vindictive,hateful and evil brat wheneverhe did not get his way.




      A shiftfromtraditionalfoodaid to abroaderconceptoffoodandnutritionassistancemustbepart of thisNew Deal.




      Clothingdesigned to beone of the centers of nationalactivity,start at aboutthis time.




      Well,I tend tobeareallyvisualperson,sowhenIwritesongs, I always envision them as iftheywereinmovies.




      Ifpeoplecanuseforeign currencies officially,the FEC maybecomeauselesspaper, " said the bankmanager. "

