

      [zhàn dòu]






      fight; battle; combat; action


      militant; fighting



      全部,battle,fight,combat,fighting,action,conflict,The Battle



      In his scramble to escape Ventress,hestoleone of herfanbladestarfighters and returned to Republicspace.




      Sevenrebelfightersalsodiedas well as a Ukranian physician who was killed by shelling as he prepared to work.




      Influential though it was, the KGB was a "combatdivision" of the CommunistParty,and subordinate to it.




      Somebattles had huge lights andexplosions covering everythingof relevance on the screen, its justabit too cluttered.




      Arenas -Playerswill no longer be able to see their opponentsin the CombatLogof an Arena match-up before the game starts.




      "IknowEnglishfootball is astrength game where youhavetofight.IfI can be stronger, that willimprove my game, " he said.




      Mostof the maniples went into battle as separateblocks of men in asquareformationthatlooked something like a checkerboard from above.




      Bottom-line,whileeconomicdevelopmentandurbanizationmayseem to havenegativeeffectsonourwaist-line,itisnot a battlelost.




      Some Americansdidunderstand that theUnited Stateswasnowaworldpowerandneededastrongandmodernfightingforce.




      Reference: ASOLDIERWILLFIGHT English: Asoldier will fight long andhardfora bit of colored ribbon."-Napoleon Bonaparte"

