

      [zhàn zhēng]





      war; warfare



      全部,war,warfare,battle,The War,conflict



      Afterhemade up his mindtospend the restof the warin the hospital, Yossarian wrote letters to everyoneheknew.



      Butin2011, at atimeofglobaleconomicuncertaintyand with the U. S.embroiledinthreewars, thependulumhas swung the other way.




      When he learnt that he wouldbesentabroad, he returned to the farm and hisfatherhidhimuntil the end of the war.




      His fatherdied of warwoundswhenhewas an infant; his mother was a charlady with notalent for communication,emotional or intellectual.




      When the war came,he did notfor one moment think ofit as afight for Austria; it was a fight for the very existence of the German nation.




      " The knightreplied,"If you permit me to ride out on the bravest and wisest, the great horse Knowing-one, onlythencanIwin the battle.




      Heappealed for unityin the fight against drugcartelswhichhesaid were threateningtodestroyMexico'sdemocraticinstitutions.




      Bakersaid the plan is notdirected toward anyparticularconflict in which the U. S. has beeninvolved.




      Suchwas the dyspeptic mood ofanation deep intoafruitlesswaranda year afterasummer of assassinationsandriots.




      At the time of Vietnam,manystudentradicalsnot only opposed the warbutsympathised with the enemy.

