

      [jù jué]





      refuse; reject; turndown; decline; inone'srefusaltodo; givesb. aflatrefusal; repel; passup



      全部,refuse,reject,decline,repel,turn downrefusal,deny



      It's especially hard when the winter blues seems to set inandrefuses to be shaken.




      Mr. Holleyman declined to elaborateon how much more common hethoughttheymight become.




      Irefused to let himdo so andItoldhim that it wasnot honurable to cheat in exams.




      The youngAmericanwroteagainandagainto a munber ofmedicalcolleges,asking if shecould be admitted,buteach timethe answer was No.




      Staff at thehotelcontactedbytelephone would not letReuterstalktoanyof the Mexicans.




      A bank that advises an amendment should inform the bank from which it received the amendment of anynotification of acceptance or rejection.




      Hetoldthemhecouldhavenothing to do with such a planandrefused to give his approval.




      Sherefusedto be treated by an intern and demanded to see a qualified doctor.




      albert, then ,hadfallen into the hands of the famousbanditchief , in whose existencehe had for so long a time refused to believe.




      Aspokesman for the ministry said he could notcommenton the proposedamendmentbecauseit had not yet become law.

