






      keep; hold


      hold; grasp


      support; maintain


      manage; run








      A Hana spokesmansaidthecompany was opentoallinvestorsbutdeclined to confirm the report. MBK Partners was notavailableforcomment.




      Anyonewhopossesses the rodand is able to turn or rebuke undeadgainsfourmoreuses of the ability per day.




      Reuters producer Guy Desmond, who was also on the bus,saidatleasttwoof the attackershadpistols and one had aknife.




      With a pocketknife hecut Herring's seatbelt,reclinedherseat, then cradled herheadandneck in his hands.




      UNICEF says the children,including one girl, were beingheld by adissidentgroup that broke with the rebelNationalLiberationFront.




      He had an adventurer'sturbanon his head. He heldabow in his left handand his quiverhung on his right hip.




      One reason for objecting seems to bethatapprovalmightopen up awiderdebate about legalizingdrugs.




      ForIrejoicedgreatly at the brothers'coming and testifying to yoursteadfastnessin the truth,evenasyouwalkintruth.




      Priests should keep an open mind towardsthem trying to understandthem,and to give them appropriateattention.




      Ashe remarks,thismakes the Bushadministration'snegativeattitudetowardsfamily planning even more difficult to understand.

