






      hang; putup; suspend


      putonrecord; register


      hitch; getcaught




      〈方〉putsb. throughto; callup; phone; ringup


      〈方〉keepinmind; beconcernedabout


      〈方〉becoatedwith; becoveredwith



      全部,hang,suspend,register,put up,mount,hung,hang up



      Asthenegrocamerunningto the buggy, his blackface twisted in a leeringgrin,shefired point-blank athim.




      It was then that hebegan very quietlyto edge himself under the curtain which hung over the door.




      When Alec Cobbe was growing up inamansionnear Donabate, the paintingwasjustoneofmanyinhisfamilydrawingroom.




      Imust have stood for a few moments listening to the whipand snap of the curtainsand the groan of a picture on the wall.




      FraudmayIjustleavehometoday, just callto my head,among the loopholes, hadtocallinterruptslestbefound.




      If the car has nostartingsafetyswitch, it ispossible to spin the engine with the transmission ingear.




      Ihung up and went into the courtyard, and then there was abigfire,likeabiglamp in the middleof the sky.




      Suspendingathreadrequirestheoperating system to swapitout of the CPUoften before it'stime quantum has been consumed.




      If you say"youknow" too much,wearagolfcounteron your wrist, and press the buttonwhenever you catch yourselfsaying "you know" .




      Such a case might beconsideredmoreof a performanceissuethan a hang.

