

      [shòu yǔ]





      confer; award; grant; endow; enfeoff






      An alms of fishcanonlycope with one'smeal. But if you taught him the skill of fishing, it would be profitable to him for lifetime.




      Sotonight being abletobe in a room amongstour peer being recognized with an honor like this, it'sreallyveryspecial.




      The Chilean government denied himastatefuneral and a nationalday of mourning,butdid accord himmilitaryhonorsathisfuneral.




      Thus,fromChina's point of view, whether or not a country grants MES to it has littlesubstantivevalue.




      That's just one of the reasons the NobelCommittee's decision to awardthisyear's PeacePrize to Barack Obama is suchastunning surprise.




      The mostwonderfulgiftsare about to bebestowed upon you,andcomewith the rising up ofyourconsciousness.




      It is quiteeasy to grantauseralldatabasepermissions and authoritiesusing the Control Center,as is shown in Figure1.




      Seek the educationthatwillconferspiritual professionalism andyou shall becomemasterofyourself and a teacher of men.




      Enumerationand the location of the fileordirectorytowhichpermission is to be granted.




      Users that you adddirectlyto your sitecanbeindividuallygrantedpermission to asecurableobjecton your site.

