

      [jiē jìn]






      becloseto; near; approach


      【天】approach; approximation; application; access; vicinity; parallelism; proximity; encounter; pros-



      全部,near,approach,access,proximity,get close to,be close to



      She'sgoing through some kind of -close to -anemotionalbreakdownsort of thing.




      She had nointerest in himbut did wonder if his roboticapproachwasa consequence ofnervousnessor if it was simply the wayhe was.




      Despite India's two decades of rapidgrowth,UttarPradesh's GDPper head is closeto that of Kenya.




      Ibelieve that this comes quiteclose to capturing all the relevantandpracticalstatements.




      Over thenext12monthswe're going to get a lot of badnews and towards the end,we'llstart getting a bit of goodeconomicnews.




      Even now,almosttwocenturiesafter his birth, physical tracesofhimareeverywhere.




      This forces the defender to put a premiumonmobileunitwhocanrush out to intercept enemy stacks before they reach the cities.




      The cycles say the cross is nearing the right time for an intermediate-termpeakwhichshould lead to weaknesslastingat leastaweek.




      As the nearestcelestial body to our Earth, the Moon has,ofcourse,alwaysbeen a favoredobject for the amateurastronomer.




      Otherwise,Ithink the twocars would have been close to Raikkonen'sbut there wasnoway to finishinfront of himand that's the story.

