

      [jiē lián]





      onend; inarow; insuccession; running



      全部,on end,in a row,in succession,succeedSuccessive,repeatedly



      A stringoffailedbusiness ventures frequently left him in hockto his creditors.




      His wifelefthim,hehadastringofscandalsandhelost a fight to give himself legalimmunity.




      Exasperated by thesuccessive apparition of the redflagand the oldcoatwhichhetookfor the blackflag.




      To seetwonew moons in a row in the samesign,falling in the same house,israre, but for oneof them to be an eclipse is even rarer.




      The Bianconeri are all but certainof at leastone of the two automatic qualifying spots, having recentlybeaten both Genoaand Napoli.




      They made the lampstand of puregoldandhammereditout,baseandshaft; its flower like cups,buds and blossoms were of onepiecewith it.




      The shipsof Tarshish serveas carriers for yourwares.You are filled with heavy cargoin the heart of the sea.




      Wideregions had been systematicallydevastate by the enemyorpulverisedin the encounter of the armies.




      Isat down and looked upon thesethings two hours together, and scarcespoke a word.



      Shethoughtoverthisweekafterweek, after the advent of Louise,tryingtonerve herself to the point where she couldspeakoract.

