

      [tí dào]





      mention; referto



      全部,mention,refer to,Mention,reference,speak of



      The problem,firstnoted in the early 1970s,wasthat many computerswould not be able to tell the difference between 2000 and 1900dates.




      Now the truthof the premises,andImentionedthisbefore,isnot a interesting matter forlogicians or for you.




      What level of integrationYahoohasplanned for this network, though, has always been alingeringquestionwhen it comestoYahoo.




      For,asyouknow,in our lastchannelingwementioned that yourownguides and angelswill be slowly moving away.




      Shealsoconfirmedthatthecompanyhasupdated the API(ApplicationProgrammingInterface)referred to by Symantec.




      He had touched on Sondra, and shewasstill too near his hearttorevealanything that would reflect on her.



      Theyjust made the pointagaininpassingthat during my visit to that country, an interpreterwouldalways be at my elbow.




      CARLOS: Heletme know how muchhepaidfor his wife's new convertible.Look,just work it into the conversation.




      "After the newbirthpeakends,wemayadjust the policy if there is need,"hesaidin the front-page story.




      itwasaspleasanttoher as to him that he onlymentioned the series,and didnot try to find out the numberof the winning ticket.

