

      [cāo zuò]






      operation; manipulation; handling; machining; processing


      operate; manipulate; handle






      Normally, the stationcan be moved out of the way of a piece of junk,butthisalert was raised toolatefor such amanoeuvre.




      Trainingfor the next-generationofenginescoincideswiththat for new aircraft -- make it operationallyoriented.




      Replicationfacilitatesthisbyapplyingthelogfilesof a productiondatabaseto a copy of that database.




      To begin with, one of the more surprising reveals that came out of yesterday'snewsis that the OScannot be installedonyourowncomputer.




      Ifyouhavetwoormorethreadsmanipulatingthestateofacontrol, it is possible to force the controlinto an inconsistentstate.




      The pair of sticks is maneuvered inonehand,between the thumbandfingers,andused to pickuppieces of food.




      Dojo makes iteasy to transferHTMLformdataintoHTTPrequests,and that isall you willneed to do for these single-request actions.




      Itwasdesigned to be asmaller and simplerversionofitspredecessors,suitable for writingsystem-levelprograms,likeoperatingsystems.




      Notethatthisoperationmeans that the value is calculatedbefore being bound to the variable.




      Allparts of thesystemintegrateandinteroperatewith one another with no issues or problems.

