

      [zhěng tiān]





      thewholeday; allday; alldaylong



      全部,all day,the whole day,all day long,day and night,all the day



      You'dbettergetup and takea walkin the garden. It'sbetterthanlying mewed up all dayinthisstuffysickroom.




      i ' mgladyouasked.i could go on alldayaboutourlittlecommunity. we arebut a handful of khajiit,asyoucan see.




      Ispoketoher tenderly. All day. Itookher to lunch.




      Allday,armed pick-up trucks have been racing up and down themainroadto the northof Bani Walid.




      Therehe would sit all day,holding out his beggar'scupto any who passed in and out of the city.




      Thewindwasstrongallday,but it moderated in the evening.




      All dayhedidnothingbutcontemplate.




      You have brilliantly managed to identifyallthepetty-minded whingers who do nothingbutmoanallday.




      D: Well, at leastI'll be ableto take offafewpounds.Even if it does mean sleeping off the fatiguealldaytomorrow.




      Afterbehavingas badly as possible allday,shesometimesseemstowant to make it up atnight.

