






      occasionally; fromtimetotime



      times; days













      全部,occasionally,from time to time,hour,hours,tense



      Onenight, as heis trying to sleepin the loft, Diamond plugs up severalholesin the wall to stop the wind from blowing in.




      Sometimesa little bitoforganizationcanhelpusfinishtheimportanttasksmoreefficientlywhileputting some otherthingsaside.




      She had her flight tickets to Munich in her handand was packed to gowhenshereceivedacall from the NationalMuseumofVienna.




      LikeallBritish people wealwaysend up with a bit of weather-related chatwhentheconversation flags.




      afewminuteslater, prunes in hand,shefoundherhusband in conversationwithawomanofabout her age.




      Combing her Barbie's longhairwhenshewas a girlwas the "highlight of my playexperience,"shesaid.




      Onenight,shehad gone out with her girlfriendsand, upon returninghome, there was aninsurancesalesman there.




      on the contrary, she boxed his earswhen she was ready toleavehim.




      Irw inbegancatchingcrocodilesasan ine-year-old boy,learning from his father who started the reptileparkhe took over in1991.




      Hesaid sailing in competitionswith a familymember worked wellbutthere were what he called occasional tensemoments.

