

      [zhèng fǔ]








      全部,government,administration,state,the government



      "The wholeprocedureof the government taking overlandandsellingitto a developerisoftenillegal,"saysMr.Wang.



      Thelastopinion survey shows that, the Conservative Partywillwin the election,but it is not enoughto set upamajoritygovernment.



      However,this is not really news,as the authorities have beentryingtotighten the monetary environment throughoutthisyear.



      Governmenthealth care had been aleading item ontheliberalagendaat leastsince Harry Truman firstproposed it, in 1946.



      The unpopular government is bracing for collapse, and on Tuesday, Irishgovernmentbondscontinuedaweek-long slideto a fresh recordlow.



      Italsoappeared to contradictsignals from Dubai's government that it was willing to fullysupportitscorporateentities.



      Regardless of the fact that it hasfailed to deliveranationalchampion,Beijing will continue to support the industry.



      Accordingtopeoplefamiliar with the matter, the US representativesdelivered the US objectionsfollowinga script sent from Washington.



      In the meantime,manyof the homelessareholding out in the camps,hopingtobe granted abit of landwitha shelter.



      Buteconomistsdoubted the extentto which the measures would help the economyandsaidTaiwanremainedvulnerable to weakglobaldemand.
