
      [shì] [shi]






      correct; right





      all; any





      yes; right



      〈书〉praise; justify



      〈书〉(important) affairs





      全部,yes,right,any,correct,justify,a surname,Yes,be,are



      Paltrow portrays an opportunisticthiefwithawillingness to lift the jewelryfrom the deadand a cold-hearted viewofmen.




      The $tagvariableisthensetagain to 'model' this time,as the modeltagwasjustopened and rootisno longer the top-leveltag.




      He put her up toit, and has spent the money; no doubt.



      Hewassoenthusiastic,he loves it so crazy, but he did not dareto be afraid and his loveof a woman to bed!




      IfIknow the moment of inertia, then Iknow how muchrotationalkinetic energy there is.




      Oh,yes? What's your weightlimit? And howmuch do youcharge for the overweight?




      Buthe does notcountitaseriouslossina series that can only touch the surface ofsuchavastsubject.




      To be able to trustand be sosupportiveofaman,Madam Chu isindeedaverygenerouswoman.




      In mycase it must have beena passionate urge tounderstand that brought about mybirth.For that isthestrongestelement in my nature.




      Getout, don't shedcrocodiletearstome, youknow you are really glad; they've met with misfortune.

