

      [bào fēng]






      storm (force 11 wind)


      stormwind; violentstorm; squall; snifter



      全部,squall,storm wind,violent storm,hurricane,Tempest,cyclone



      Today the windand rain drove fiercely against myapartmentwindow. It was the tail endofatyphoon.




      And suddenlythere was asoundout of heaven,as of arushing violent wind, and it filled the wholehouse where they were sitting.




      Without a good sense of direction, the boatwillget lost in the storm at last. He and she have to abandon the boat.




      It is as if the insanityof the bubble years had neverhappened.Sowhenwill the storm finally break?




      Itwas nothing butarock,withonecreek naturally archedby the force of tempests.




      Like the birds,theygo on singing, like a stormfullofwind, rainand thunder andgreatbeauty of light.




      The Tempset wasalmostcertainlyShakespeare's lastsolo-authoredplay.we do notknowwhetherheanticipated that thiswould be the case.




      Nearby, the dark, dull edge ofatumorthreatenslikeanapproachingsquall.




      It stormed all day,duringwhichtimethe ship broke up.




      We find in the diariesof Samuel Pepys the account of a stormwhichmadehimworry that it mightmean the death of the queen.

