

      [zuì hǎo]






      best; first-rate


      hadbetter; itwouldbebest



      全部,best,first-rate,had better,the best,had best,may as well



      Toserious,continuous improvement isoneofmystrengths,oncedecidedtodo one thing to be sure to do your best.




      In his speechthisweek, Mr Obamaseemed too preparedto run the riskof all this happening.




      WhenPresidentObama came into office, he committed to providingthebest value for the Americanpeoplewhilespendinglessmoney.




      ButsoonIdiscovered that the bestway for you to have completecontrolof your timewas to startabusiness.You had to be your ownboss.




      Ialwayswantedthebest thing for youandItriedtosmooth the way for you.




      Asrepresentativesof the hostschool,Iexpecteach and every one of you to putyourbest foot forward.




      A bitofadisclaimeris in order:I am not at all sure that myway of doingthiswas the bestway.




      And onlythebest of friendswillstay long after the party'sover to helpclean up the mess.




      Sheclaimed that theseemployees did not want to quit their jobs in the buscompany because the company was the bestlocalbusiness.




      Youbettercount them to put your names up onour"sticker list" and get the giftsawaitingforyou to redeem for solong!

