

      [zuì zhōng]





      final; ultimate



      全部,final,ultimate,finally,eventually,at last



      Ultimately, the concept of ObjectLifecycleseems to emergeas a unifyingconcept for Data,ServiceandBusinessProcesses.




      Iguess what finallypushed me over the edgewasthatIneeded help to pay off my loansfromschool.




      But Kahle, who ultimately wants a copyof every bookeverpublished, sees them as an endangeredspecies that needs to be protected.




      They whovoluntarilyputpower into the handof a tyrantoranenemymustnot wonder if it beat last turned againstthemselves.




      Mostlabor services,ratherthanbeingfinalgoodsready to be enjoyed by consumers, are inputs into the productionofothergoods.




      Theonlypositive thing about its latest announcementis that it shows the firmis at last beginning to facereality.




      Its facehasa pairofslits that extendfrom the nostrilstojustbelow its eyes, and its tailends in a"T"shape.




      Zahida did notseekcare for an ulceronherfootand she ultimatelylost her legbelow the knee.




      Finally, along theroadnear the university, Qaddafi'sforceswerestopped by an army of shabab,local men, and Islamist fighters.




      Hesaidhe would notcomeinbecause he hadapriorappointment,but he came after all.

