

      [yǒu yì]






      intentionally; purposely; deliberately


      haveamindto; bedisposedto; beinclinedto



      全部,intentionally,deliberately,on purpose,mean,intend



      She was inclined to give Michael probation.But,because he fired a deadlyweaponduringtheattemptedrobbery, she wantshim to do time.




      Hesaid the bankintends to apply for a license and has sought more informationabout obtaining access to China's bondmarket.




      The agreement would bedeliberatelyambiguous,allowingChina to maintain that it had notrecognisedJapaneseclaims.




      Parenthood,however, isa state which some miss by chance and others by design, and avocationto which not all are called.




      Thismight have beenintended as a mild slap in the face ofGM, which had gottenthemintothistrouble in the first place.




      So far asisknown, none of thoselisted have had their names immortalized as a result of deliberatetheft of another'swork.




      Theytoldhim that Chuang Tzucomes here without a goodpurposeand it ispossibletostrive for the positionofminister against you.




      It isthelatest of the party'sbeliefs to be junked by Angela Merkel,asshetries to stealoppositionideasbefore the nextelection.




      Originally,Grantwastheonly Grand Admiralnot given a firstname,thoughWallace has said that this was unintentional.




      I didn't mean to leavehernameoffthelist;itwasanoversight.

