








      foundation; origin; basis




      edition; version









      book; volume


      volume, reel





      this; present; current


      one'sown; native


      principal; central



      baseon; accordingto



      全部,this,present,native,current,book,copyfoundation,basis,volume,volume, reel,base on,according to,Ben,Books,originally



      The methodsof the inventioncan be usedtoinduceTcelltolerance to a solubleantigenor to an allogeneiccell.




      Withoutanytoxin and adverse effect,the invention is no harmfor the body and can be taken for a long term.




      Theprogramaimed to ensure thatat leastsomecommunity members couldcommunicatewith the children if they were inneed.




      That's why theteamcontinuedtowork very hard over the lastweeks to bring somenewsolutions to this race.




      administrator of the systemthrough the lost propertyinformation, missing information, messageinformation, and easytomanage.




      Someofthe more significant mistakes are discussedin their own sectionsin other parts of thisbook. Others are notdiscussedfurther.




      If the Internet were to actuallywin this year's NobelPeacePrize,itwouldnot be the first non-human winner.




      Thisunitisentirely devoted to this sort ofbackground knowledge.You won't create your first Blender modeluntilthenextunit.




      Mr Obama intends to raise the matterofterritorialdisputesin the SouthChinaSea at the East AsiaSummit in Bali at the weekend.




      Bendtner wasalsoangry with Boateng forpokinghim in theeye off the ball andfelt the Dutchmidfielderdeserved to be sent off.

