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      全部,grocery,grocery store,General Store,drugstore



      Inastory line that mirrors Buffett's,Sokolgrew upinOmaha, Neb. , deliverednewspapersasachild and worked at a smallgrocerystore.




      Today, after a72hourshiftat the fire station,awoman ran uptome at the grocerystore and gavemeahug.




      Flashing his weddingring at herheturned down her advancesandtook her tothegrocerystoreinstead.




      The sea still serves as a byway,grocery,laundry, workplace, andplaygroundfor the localinhabitants, just as it has for centuries.




      For some yearskerosenecontinued to be the principalone.Itwassoldingrocery stores anddoor-to-door.




      Shepointed out that irradiatedbeef was offered atmanygrocery stores nationwide at the beginning of the decadebutitdidnotlastlong.




      Helearned of his losses whileshoppinginalocalgrocerystorewith his wife, Terry.




      The littlecornergrocerystore is oftenmore conveniently located, more pleasantandopenatlate hours when the supermarket is closed.




      'The bigchallenge will be, how muchcanwe swallow and how muchcanwe pass along? ' said Jack Brown,chief executive of Stater Bros.




      Runninghisgrocerystoreandasmallreal-estatebusinessdivertedhimfromhis spinning.

