

      [tiáo jiàn]






      condition, term, factor


      requirement, prerequisite, qualification


















      "You'vegota range of possibilities - they buywholecompanies, they buyparts of companies,or they goasset by asset,"hesaid.




      Tobaccocompaniesandpublic health advocates,longtimefoesin the nicotinebattles,aretrying to turn the situation to theiradvantage.




      Asnoted,buyers of capitalandconsumer goodsare not buying,even thoughmonetarypolicy is trying to make it easy.




      Whenalaw remains unchangedregardlessof the situation,it,like the circle, is said to becontinuouslysymmetric.




      Whenseeing my interest inpaintingas a child, my mother boughtme a blackboard and chalks,whichwereinquite a goodcondition then.




      The embargo was the onlyconditionWikiLeaks would trytoimpose on us;whatwe wrote about the material was entirely up to us.




      A fewprivilegedinvestorshavealways beenable to gainsuchfavourableterms.




      He did notput forward his ownsolutions toward theunconditionalsurrenderoffasciststate.




      Additionally, the existentialnature of the XQuery generalcomparisonpredicatesrequiresattentionwhen you express a "between" condition.




      The Federal Reservewillcertainlydo all that it can tohelp restore high rates ofgrowthandemploymentin a context of pricestability.

