

      [wū rǎn]





      pollute; contaminate






      At the same time, the local governmenthasdecided to planttreesinandaround the region becausetreescanabsorbsome of the pollution.




      Pollution in general issomething that wehavekeptdown, in bothyour interests and that ofMotherEarth.




      The U. S.Embassy's daily air-pollution readings, sent outon Twitter, typicallyalternatebetween"hazardous" and "veryhazardous. "




      There isnodenyingthe fact that airpollutionis an extremelyseriousproblem: the cityashouldtakestrongmeasurestodeal with it.




      Scientistsat the EPA have long favoured sucha ruling, which did notcontainanyspecifics about reducingemissionsof the pollutants.




      For were thebodydefiled, it wouldbelikely to bepurified and sanctified,ratherthanpolluted.




      The IraniancapitalTehranisat the best of times - one of the mostpollutedcities on earth.




      Soilcontaminationisoneof the importantnationalandglobalenvironmentalproblemsand waits to be remediated by innovatorytechnology.




      WhenthePittsburgh Post-Gazette investigated the matter, it discovered that the spinoff grouphad"nocitizenmembershipofits own."




      For thisto be safe,scientistshave to be sure the materialcouldneverleakout and contaminatewater supplies orrise up to the surface.

