

      [chén sī]





      ponder; meditate; belostinthought; muse; ruminate






      Oneof the main things to discoverinmeditatingis to actually"see" that the observer(yourego)is the observed.




      One day as he was meditatingon the Architecture, Linus fell into atrance and was granted a vision.




      She unclasped her hands from behind her head, and lookedathim meditatively.




      Mrs. Charmond fell intoameditation, and repliedabstractedlyto a cursory remark of her companion's.




      "Wong Kar Wai still has notgivenme the script yet," muses Leung,tracingcircleson the top of the sidetablewith a manicuredfinger.




      The next day, in a happy haze,Igottothinking:"Am Ireally the onlygaywomanwho'sdonethis? That can't be."So I asked around.




      ofclosing his eyes as hetalked, as ifhewere deep inthought.




      When d'Urberville got back to the tenthesat down astride on achairreflecting,withapleasedgleamin his face.




      Previousresearchshows that whenpeople are in a ruminating mode,they are morelikelyto be depressed,hesaid.




      Poorman, she said now, and for a moment, lost in hisreverie, Teacher Fei wonderedif he hadtold her about theavengingdaughter.

