

      [zhān rǎn]





      beinfectedwith; becontaminatedby; betaintedwith



      全部,be infected with,contamination,contaminate,stain



      The rest is justWesternpropaganda. How muchblood is on the handsof the Westerners in the past10years?




      No,butIfigured it'dbe a good ideaifI were to just stay out of it.




      Suitsandairpacksare meant tokeepradioactiveparticles off theskinand out of the lungsuntil the workersreturn to asaferarea.




      Wife did notdarelet your bloodcontaminatedbodyforthegoldringyouwear, not the liberationof the soul.




      Theymonitorall over the bodytomake sure there is nothingon the bodybeforetheyleave.




      Hitler was sure that theFrenchpoliticalsystem was rotten to the core,and that it hadinfected the FrenchArmy.




      The textileproductsusingand if it fadesafterwash,contaminationandwashing clothes have been the matterofconcern by the consumers.




      substances andwoodworkingareadangerous mix.Stayoutof the woodshopifyouareevenremotely under the influence of any intoxicants.




      Thematerial qualityhas the high techingredient,canwithstand the verygreatweight also noteasy to contaminate the dust.




      Itsureseems suspiciously likea"tidytimelineofprogress,"tingedwithalittlelibertariancynicism.

