

      [cè shì]





      test, testing, checkout, measurement






      全部,augmented dickey–fuller test,Testing,Tests,tested



      Totest out a phone-based application, you obviously need aphone, and that impliesanumber to call.



      At leastin the testmodel,it wasn't possible to runmore than one application at atime.



      As you'llsee in just a moment,dealing with thisinjectedlogobjectwhenwritingunittestsrequires an extrastep.



      Ifyou were to do a line-up of the keysuspects, Skakkebaek says, phthalateslike the seven being testedin the laboratorywould come first.



      The resultsofstresstests, due on July 15th, should show how much morehelpisrequired.



      Alistair seems to agree that there isno discounting the fact that unittests are important.



      Thoroughlytestedina variety of applicationsincluding:cleanpulpup to a consistency of 5%,waste water and secondary effluent.



      Under the tests we haverun so far the onlynegativeeffectwasa coupleofwarnings emitted during the buildprocess.



      When Ilook back,I see thoselean years as a test to see ifIcouldlearn how to giveeven when it seemed to hurt to doso.



      One lastpoint, it still isn't anindication that you are measuringwhatyouthink you are measuring.
